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  5. “La Région des Lumières” shining over Evian

“La Région des Lumières” shining over Evian

    “La Région des Lumières” shining over Evian

    Evian was celebrating from the 13th of December last till the 12th of January 2020! The town had been immersed in enchantment with “La Région des Lumières” (the locality of lights), at the Palais Lumière, in Haute-Savoie.

    “La Région des Lumières” is an event that took place for the very first time at the Place des Terreaux, in Lyon, in 2014. Some 900,000 persons had come to the town to attend it. This performance even made the company behind the show (see below) win a prize, that of the Trophée Partenaires des Lumières.

    “La Région des Lumières” is a “sound and light” show; illustrations in the form of images, animation with music are projected every night onto the cultural heritage buildings of various towns, thus putting them into the limelight for several days. This attraction is offered by the region of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes.

    The objective of the show is to make the young ones, as well as the tourists who have come to spend their holidays in the region, discover for free the history of these legacies in an interesting way, as well as creating a feeling of pride and belonging in the hearts’ of residents.
    “Les Allumeurs de Rêves” is the company which puts its technical expertise to use in order to create a fairytale-like world for visitors and residents to witness: video mappings, 2D and 3D projections, high quality sound, every effort is made to amaze the audience.

    The votes of 45,000 town residents have led to the choice of 14 sites to be highlighted through this show. This voting was organised at the end of 2017, during the implementation of the “La Région fière de son histoire” (the locality is proud of its history). “La Région des Lumières” takes place over three years and will put in the limelight no less than 21 sites.

    In Evian
    Since Friday the 13th of December 2019, “La Région des Lumières” had been showcasing the charming town of Evian. The enchanting atmosphere was complemented by the presence of the Fabuleux Village.

    The Palais Lumière had donned of the most beautiful luminous frescos that tell the tales of its history and the richness of the culture of Evian. Different colours and shapes, characters and landscapes were displayed on the walls of the building, which, as Florence Duvand, the regional advisor and deputy of Tourism, had pointed out, have the capacity of reflecting light, thus boosting the lights used for the show.

    The Evian baths, the famous Lumière brothers, the lake, the mountains, the golf, as well as the mythical Flottins, were part of the setting. Visitors have been able to witness twenty minutes of amazing projections every night, between 6 and 8 during weekdays and from 6 to 9 on Saturdays and Sundays.

    The magic lasted until the 12th of January 2020.
    The Palais Lumière is already a much impressive building without any effect, whether by day or by night. However, it has become even more magnificent during these projections. One cannot help but be wide-eyed before the beauty of the show of “La Région des Lumières” which is displayed on the walls of the Palais, regardless of one’s age. It really is an event that highlights the richness of the landscape, the history and the culture of Evian. This is not to be missed at all.