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All the news concerning real estate

The real estate agencies of Evian-les-Bains and Thonon-les-Bains offer you all the news on real estate in the 74500 and 74200 in Haute-Savoie.

Ho ho ho! Christmas in Haute-Savoie

Ho ho ho! Christmas in Haute-Savoie

Christmas is celebrated while abiding by traditions and, above all, in a magical atmosphere in Haute-Savoie. Here are two places of the region which...

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“La Région des Lumières” shining over Evian

“La Région des Lumières” shining over Evian

Evian was celebrating from the 13th of December last till the 12th of January 2020! The town had been immersed in enchantment with “La...

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The label of “Famille Plus” attributed to Evian-les-Bains

The label of “Famille Plus” attributed to Evian-les-Bains

DECORDIER immobilier has many times praised the town where its agency is found, Evian-les-Bains. The town has recently been attributed the label of...

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The Léman Express is here!

The Léman Express is here!

Here we go, the Léman Express is finally on tracks! Officially inaugurated on the 12th of December last, this railroad network which moves...

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Evian tourism

Evian tourism

Evian-les-Bains is a city of water and tourism on the shores of Lake Geneva, perfectly described by Evian Tourisme. Located in Haute-Savoie, in the...

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How to make an offer to purchase real estate ?  by DE CORDIER IMMOBILIER Evian

How to make an offer to purchase real estate ?

You have found the apartment or house of your dreams and don't want to miss this opportunity ? You have the possibility to make an offer to...

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The Hôtel Royal in Évian les Bains by DE CORDIER IMMOBILIER Evian

The Hôtel Royal in Évian les Bains : luxury and pleasure

Hôtel Royal : a look back at the history of the most beautiful hotel in the world

At the beginning of the 20th...

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Tax on real estate wealth : what awaits owners by DE CORDIER IMMOBILIER Evian

Tax on real estate wealth : what awaits owners

The 2018 Finance Act launched the reform of the wealth tax (ISF) expected by many individuals. The ISF is therefore abolished in 2018 and replaced by...

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